Come and Remember

I am one who has spent time searching for answers outside myself and gladly I have learned many valuable things from other people, and yet my greatest awareness in this moment in my life is that I have everything I need inside my self.  

I have everything I need inside myself.  

This is a very potent awareness.

There is no need to look elsewhere.

The key is trusting one's self and trusting the wisdom that comes through you each day.

We are often taught by society not to trust ourselves.  It is ingrained in everything from ads to television programming, to news, to political discourse.  In addition, disinformation is rampant.  These subtle and not so subtle methods of subjugating people enter our psyche subliminally and cause us to doubt ourself.  

I am inviting us to a better way.  First and foremost, trust your inner knowing.  Be very particular about the information you allow into your consciousness.  I don't mean to totally isolate your self.  I do mean to notice the underlying messaging and programming that comes to you via television shows, music, news and choose carefully.  When the pandemic began several wise teachers recommended gathering information in short bursts and to avoid watching television for long periods of time.  I believe that to be good advice.  

The song Come and Remember Who You Are keeps floating through my mind.  It is a song about belonging and worth.  You are person of inherent worth, just as you are right now.  You don't have to change a thing. have everything you need in this very moment for your own path.  Tune in to your inner compass.  You know the way!

We are blessed to be on this journey together.  

There is joy in the journey when we travel together!

Consider writing poetry...

I am always amazed when I step into writing poetry.  

The more I pay attention to the words that flow into my consciousness the more they flow.  

Often I will begin with one small thought or awareness

and as I write the words flow from beyond the veil in unexpected ways.  

As I open to the flow of poetic writing, the words come. 

I invite you to join me in stepping into poetic flow this month.

This comes to you with gentleness of a white wing dove,

Mary Ann


I Bring to the Table…

