Poetry inspires...

Words crafted with care

form images in the mind

that are imprinted on the soul.

Poetry carries us beyond the veil.

Transported between the worlds,

our spirit soars, as each word

weaves new possibilities

into the landscape of our soul.

Country Condor.

Powerful sky spirit

Circling in formation,

Visioning a sky burial rite

For those seen below.

Endings and beginnings.

The nuances of life

Are known to you…

The wisdom of cleaning

And curating the land,

Eating in benevolence

that which is already dead.

Take courage dear condor

As you spread your wings wide,

And your power takes flight.

Country Condor

Your bald head reminds me

That beauty and emotion

Often manifest itself in

Wrinkles and baldness.

Nest up high dear one.

Draw near Heaven’s Gate.

Teach me to surf

the currents in the sky,

Expanding beyond

My limitations.

Teach me the mystery

of life and death

seen for miles

through your eyes.

(photo by Gus Martinie)

Trust the journey


Divine graciousness lives the message

Of togetherness, peace, and love.

Open your heart.

Open your mind.

Courageously prophesy,

Trusting the journey

By actions

And when necessary

With words spoken in Love.

Kindom Come.


Be ushered in

In Love

From my roots

To yours.

Be ushered in

In Love.


…the kind of Love

That has fingers

And feet

And tendrils

Of mycelium


All that is.


Embody a wordless story.

Re-Story the unknown

With lovingkindness, peace and hope

In the mycelium of our hearts,

In the tendrils of our souls,

So that hearts touch on tips of fingers

As we pass the peace

Of our Mother’s Mothers

To generations not yet born.


In a world that separates,

We connect.

A primal beloved gift

Of contraband communion

Shared through a wall

That seeks to separate

But can not.


You see, as we look up

We see the same sky

And beneath us

Mycelium connect us

Through the Earth

Under our feet…

Kin across manmade borders

We are touched

into existence

…a touch through a wall.


Touch fingertips

And Re-Story

The primal gift

Of kindom

Without walls.

May it be ushered in

In Love. 




(In gratitude for communion shared through a border wall. AP Photo/David Maung)


Nature’s Symphony Chorus

Natures Symphony Chorus

Fills me with delight

As the scent of jasmine

Wafts across the landscape

Of my mind.

A new day dawns.

birds greet the sunrise

With melody born of instinct

And wonderment.

I awaken to their song.

White-winged doves and mourning doves

carry the bass notes

While western kingbirds,

Baltimore and Bullocks orioles chime in

Their chirps and high calls

Bring complexity to the whole.

American robins, house finches,

sparrows and Carolina wrens

Sing the chorus while

Mockingbirds hop from part to part

Filling the in-between spaces with their song.

Northern cardinals and

Western kingbirds bring precision

Staccato notes

Capturing one's attention

In key moments of unexpected crescendo.

A red-eyed viriole sings soprano

Its high piercing song,

lovely and light

Lilts over the top

Adding vibrant tones…

Nature's liturgical dance.

Tiny hummingbirds

Sing grace notes

Filling me with bliss.

Vibrant sounds

From one so small.

Chimney swifts

Conduct the Symphony

Swooping in splendor

Across the sky

Two by two.

A new day dawns.

birds greet the sunrise

With melody born of instinct

And wonderment.

I awaken to their song.

The scent of jasmine

Wafts across the landscape

Of my mind.

Natures Symphony Chorus

Fills me with delight.

I want a sweet messy kind of love.

Faithful and true.

Filled with laughter and tears.

Wet cheeks, runny nose, and all.

A relationship riding the waves and currents of life.

Happy tears and deep sorrow merge in the recess of my mind.

Tears and tears from vastly different sources yet equally potent

Forge bonds of love in the fires of life.

Lighthearted in good times

Steadfast when things fall apart

Always there, a sure presence, deeply knowing and known.

I want a sweet, messy kind of love.

Brigid, keeper of thresholds,

Protect this crossing

With the purity of your love.

I cross with intention

From what was to what is,

Knowing full well, I can not go back.

Forward, ever forward

Toward hope and possibilities, I go,

Writing the future with each step.

Send your oystercatchers

To show me the way

To the goodness of Divine presence.

Ignite the fire within me.

May it shine so brightly

The flames illumine my being.

Transform this weary heart.

Gift the present moment

With grace, goodness, and love.


Womb of Love

I am tethered to you,

Illumined by your grace.

Like an umbilical cord,

Your sacred thread

nourishes my soul.

I am like a lotus unfolding.

My soul blooms

As everything

I know falls away

Except the fragrance of you.

Breathing in your aroma,

Your sacred thread touches

The place of purity

in me where you reside.

Shimmering cord…

Return me to the womb of Love.

Mary, Love…

the Teacher is near.

Claim your place at his feet

With perfume and nard in hand.

Your way of being

Opens your soul.

Unafraid to confront the truth,

You offer meaning with oil.

Do you know

Or are you simply following

The call of your heart

That takes you beyond

What your eyes can see?

Mary, Love…

your beloved is near.

He has to go there.

He will not turn away.

Your heart knows.

His Death has a fragrance,

Beautiful in its Divinity.

Frankincense and Myrrh

Mix with the nard.

Intoxicating fragrance soothes your soul.

Mary, Love…

His journey enters your soul

Your heart comprehends

The magnitude.

Your mind and body prepare to accompany him

Through Death’s door and beyond.

Trusting what is unseen.

Trusting Him. Knowing who he is.

It begins with great cost,

Precious spikenard.

Your hair prepares his skin

To endure the pain.

Your heart breaks open…

Love pours out…

Salty tears mixed with oil,

Preserving, embalming,

As you step into Death with him.

You will find courage beyond fear.

Mary, Love…

rooted in the real,

Tender anticipation awaits your touch.


Lost is a Place Too

I am in a place

Called Lost.

A confluence of unrelated, intertwined

Events brought me here

Past the brink of the known.

I do not want to be here.

I try to claw my way out

To no avail.

Lost feels scary to me.

I look in all directions

Trying to decide

which way to run.

My legs are leaden.

Breath eludes me.

Immobilized, I feel the weight of loss.

Loss carries the baggage of a lifetime

Stuffed in one bag I grabbed

as I left the known.

I carry the memories

as long as I can,

tightening my grip on the known.

Finally, I can’t bear it anymore…

The known slips away.

Though lighter, I am lost.

I set a cairn

And remember

Lost is a place too.


Hold on tight

Til your knuckles turn white.

Don’t let go.

There is comfort in the known.

Hold on til you

Lose your grasp.

Feel the known slip away.

Wait, wait….wait.

Feel the longing of loss

That moment

when breath escapes you.

Lost is a place too.

Open to possibilities yet unseen.

Wait in the unknown.

Finding arrives

When you least expect it.


Feel sheer delight.

Sing, dance, live, love!

Try not to hold on too tight.


Lost is a place too.

May you be blessed

With enough.

May you be blessed

With goodness each day.

May you find your way

To compassion and gratitude.

In moments of abundance,

May you be a blessing to others.

In moments of lack,

May your path be filled with friends.

Lean in to the rhythm of each day.

Notice the joy inherent in Nature.

Awaken with the birds

Who sing prayers filled with delight

At the dawning of a new day.

Lean in to the shifting light

At the hinge-point of each day.

May you be blessed with a full life.

May you live true to your own path…

The one you create as you move through each day.

May you be blessed.


This comes with love on wings of a crow in flight,

Mary Ann

Ash Wednesday


When the ashes

of your life

are strewn about,

dispersed to the ends

 of the earth,

ego dissolves

into humility

as you kneel

your life spent.

How do you pick up the ashes?

Hands dusty,

black with soot

Mark an imprint

on the forehead

of your soul.

Who knows?

Who Knows.


When the ashes

of your life

are strewn about,

dispersed to the ends

 of the earth,

Can you even begin

to pick them up?

Do you really want to?

Or is it better

to walk through them,

to live anew?


Leave the ashes

of the past.

Step through

the threshold

Of the present moment.

Create the path

As you walk toward

Presence, possibilities,

and a future

laced with hope.




Breathe Peace

Into the energetic

Flow of life

Be the peace

That you desire

Color the air

With prismatic love

When love comes

To a heart

It changes one’s perspective

On life and being ness

Shine the rays of love

As if you were the sun

Illuminate your field

So flowers grow

An abundant  crop of goodness

When love comes to your heart

It is like a violin’s strum

Vibrations echo and reverberate

Settling deep in your soul

When the sun reaches your heart

It comes in as a big smile

That enlivens your universe

A Collaborative Poem by

Chloe, GiGi and Pop Pop

I am from

English Breakfast Tea,

Gently sweetened,

White with cream.

I am from

A big brown

Rocking chair

Where I listened

As my dad read me books.

I was held in his arms of love

In the moments before sleep.

A ritual of love,

a 360 degree spinning sanctuary

For my soul.

I am from

Redwoods and mists

Imprinted on my soul.

Their scent and colors

Linger still in the recesses of my mind

Ever present, ever living,

loving, witnessing

This lifetime and the timeless place…

The before and the after,

Presence in all moments

Where time becomes meaningless

And souls take flight

Like condors

stretching out their wings

Stepping in to air,

Knowing they are supported

by that which is not seen

But can be felt and known.

I Want to Be Like the Moon


I want to be like the moon

On a sunny day

Delicate white

Surrounded by cerulean blue sky.


I want to be the unexpected,

A blessing that reminds souls

To look beyond the ordinary

To the serendipitous in life.


I want to be like the moon

Reflecting light

into a world

That needs illumination.


I want to be like the moon.

Mary Ann Matthys Mary Ann Matthys

Nature’s Symphony Chorus

Natures Symphony Chorus

Fills me with delight

As the scent of jasmine

Wafts across the landscape

Of my mind.

A new day dawns.

birds greet the sunrise

With melody born of instinct

And wonderment.

I awaken to their song.

White-winged doves and mourning doves

carry the bass notes

While western kingbirds,

Baltimore and Bullocks orioles chime in

Their chirps and high calls

Bring complexity to the whole.

American robins, house finches,

sparrows and Carolina wrens

Sing the chorus while

Mockingbirds hop from part to part

Filling the in-between spaces with their song.

Northern cardinals and

Western kingbirds bring precision

Staccato notes

Capturing one's attention

In key moments of unexpected crescendo.

A red-eyed viriole sings soprano

Its high piercing song,

lovely and light

Lilts over the top

Adding vibrant tones…

Nature's liturgical dance.

Tiny hummingbirds

Sing grace notes

Filling me with bliss.

Vibrant sounds

From one so small.

Chimney swifts

Conduct the Symphony

Swooping in splendor

Across the sky

Two by two.

A new day dawns.

birds greet the sunrise

With melody born of instinct

And wonderment.

I awaken to their song.

The scent of jasmine

Wafts across the landscape

Of my mind.

Natures Symphony Chorus

Fills me with delight.

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Mary Ann Matthys Mary Ann Matthys

Womb of Love

I am tethered to you,

Illumined by your grace.

Like an umbilical cord,

Your sacred thread

nourishes my soul.

I am like a lotus unfolding.

My soul blooms

As everything

I know falls away

Except the fragrance of you.

Breathing in your aroma,

Your sacred thread touches

The place of purity

in me where you reside.

Shimmering cord…

Return me to the womb of Love.

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Mary Ann Matthys Mary Ann Matthys

You are loved

The spaciousness

We grant others

Is in direct proportion

To the spaciousness

We grant ourselves.

Buddha reminds us

We don’t really see

What is outside ourselves

We see what is inside

And project it onto others

We see things as WE are.

We bless others

When we become aware

That we are truly loved

And lovable…

We are the Great Mother’s

Beloved child.

In the way that a grandmother

Is filled with delight

In the presence of a grandchild,

The Divine One overflows

With love and acceptance

Of you as you are right now.

You are loved…

You are the beloved.

Know this in your being.

Feel this in your heart

And let love flow

Through you

To those you meet

This day.

May it be in me.

May it be in you.


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Mary Ann Matthys Mary Ann Matthys

To Depart on Such a Day

Why does death feel more sad on these days?

Why does death evoke a deeper sadness

On Halloween or Dia de los Muertos

Or All Saints Day or All Souls Day?

We gather to honor the ancestors

of birth and blood, of choice, and love on these days…

Family, friends, wise teachers who have left this life.

A sweet remembrance each year

Of lives well lived.  Of love felt, tender and true.

We seek wisdom for our journey,

comfort in knowing and being known.


To depart on such a day

Feels profoundly sorrowful

yet inexplicably sacred.

We honor those who have crossed the veil

At this time of year

with flowers, photos, candles, favorite foods,

touchstones of life help us remember them in death.

These are raw, holy…wholly sacred days in which

We embody vulnerability mixed with fond memories

As we reach across the veil,

hoping our loved ones reach back

To grasp our hand if even for a moment.


But, what about those

who depart amid this time

When the veil is oh so thin?

We want to reach

through the veil to pull them back

Into this world but we cannot.

Grief reaches the core of our being…

A sucker punch from the universe.

This day…

These days will never be the same.

for Carla 11-2-22

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Annette Wagner Annette Wagner

Poetry Inspires…

Poetry Inspires…

Poetry inspires...

Words crafted with care

form images in the mind

that are imprinted on the soul.

Poetry carries us beyond the veil.

Transported between the worlds,

our spirit soars, as each word

weaves new possibilities

into the landscape of our soul.

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