Psalm for a Sacred Path

I love reading the Psalms.  They express thoughts, feelings, emotions, awe, wonder, gratitude, and love.  This week's lectionary text is so poetic and profound…

Psalm 85 :8-12

I listen carefully to what God is saying,
    for God speaks peace to faithful people.
    But let them not return to their foolish ways.

Surely God’s salvation is near to those who reverence the Holy One,
    so our land will be filled with glory of God.


Unfailing love and truth have met together.
    Righteousness and peace have kissed!


Truth springs up from the earth,
    and righteousness smiles down from heaven.


Yes, Creator pours down blessings.
    Our land will yield its bountiful harvest.

My favorite verse is “Love and truth have met together.  Righteousness and peace have kissed.”  These qualities are so needed in our world today.  Love and truth bring a sense of groundedness and reciprocity to conversations.  Righteousness and peace together are a much-needed combination. I think true righteousness always contains an element of peace.  Think of how different our communities and world would be if we took this poetic verse to heart.   

What if we write our own psalm today?

What if we write a psalm expressing the deepest desires of our hearts?

Who are we in the grand scheme of things?

What is our sacred work in the world?

Where do we fit into God’s plan?

I wrote the following Psalm this morning expressing elements of my own sacred path.  I invite you to spend some time in quiet reflection with God this morning.  Ask God to show you your path and then write your own Psalm for a Sacred Path.  I chose to begin each line with specific words.  You can choose this pattern or find one of your own.

Psalm for a Sacred Path

I am from…

I rise up…

I dive into…

I am from Divine Creation, DNA, and gentle generative force.

I rise up from mystery, incense, prayers, and love.

I dive into the depths of faith having witnessed the essence of God at work in the world and in me.

I am from sacred geometry in every cell of my being.

I rise up conscious, awakened, and seeking the wisdom that is mine.

I dive into spiritual practices that draw me ever nearer the heart of God.

I am from love, knowledge, and intuition that grows deeper with time.

I rise up in surety of a faith that grows more potent with each year.

I dive into Divine Mystery seeking a sense of knowing and being known.

I am from Earth, Sky, Fire, and Water.

I rise up into the present moment awake and aware.

I dive into the depths of my soul, working within my gifts for myself and others.

I rise up in love, goodness, and kindness knowing I am strong.

I dive into Poetry and Art to illumine the Sacred Path for myself and others.

I walk alongside as Anam Cara.

I am a midwife of souls.

Let it be in me.


This comes with love from a sweltering 104 degree day in Houston!

Mary Ann


Elijah and Peter

