About Mary Ann…

I am an Author, Poet, Artist, and Spiritual Director.

I craft beauty with words and paint.

Poetry pours forth from my soul. 

I cultivate awareness, deep listening, and attention to synchronicities as I step into the flow of poetic language and creativity.

My work as a Spiritual Director takes me to coffee shops, parks, hospitals, retreat centers, restaurants, and other places to meet with those I accompany on the spiritual journey.  My book, Travel Altars is an invitation to create sacred space and invite Divine Presence into our days. It is a reminder that the Holy One moves in and through ordinary days.

Art has been integral to my life from the moment I first held a crayon as a little girl.  Growing up, I always carried paper, pencil, and eraser (a key element).  I sketched horses, buildings, anything, and everything.

I love Art and creativity. I especially love creating Art in Service to the Sacred with individuals and groups. In my most profound moments, Art and Poetry flow through me as I become a vessel for the Holy.

As a Spiritual Director I accompany those on a spiritual path who are asking questions and seeking answers as they draw near to God. Together, we explore ways to tune in to our inner guidance system in order to illuminate a life-giving path forward. I help individuals cultivate love, hope, peace, compassion, and resilience through spiritual practices and creativity.

As a Conscious Dying Coach, I accompany those with serious or life threatening illnesses and those who are in their final months of life. Together we explore ways to facilitate personal autonomy and self agency through conscious living and conscious dying.

I love facilitating Retreats that combine spirituality and creativity. My work also includes years of working with women, children, teens, and men in Summer Intensives, Red Cross Hurricane Shelters, and spiritual communities.

I am re-storying the spiritual journey. I seek to cultivate balance and harmony as I affirm each person’s vital voice.  I affirm each person’s path, knowing Divine Presence accompanies them on their journey in many ways.

Spirituality has always been a deep part of my work in the world. I invite people to explore their own spirituality in whatever form it presents while keeping love at the center.

This work is important, life-giving, and oh-so fun!

Mary Ann


University of Texas—BS

University of Houston Clear Lake—MA

Perkins School of Theology @ SMU—Certification in Spiritual Direction

Glassell School of Art

Conscious Dying Coach

Intentional Creativity Practitioner