Earth Our Original Sanctuary

This week as we celebrate Earth Day I am mindful of the beauty and wonder of Earth.  When I think of Sanctuary Spaces in my life,  all except one are in Nature.  The Redwood Forests in California, Watershed Forest in Olympia Washington, Bodega Bay in California, Dancing Spirit Ranch in Montana, the North Sea, Arizona -the place of my sacred spaces are of Earth. I thought it might be fun to honor our connection to Earth with poetry and invitations to spend time outdoors.

All that lives

breaths a sigh

As love resides

in Air, Fire, Water, Earth…

Barely noticed,

Its essential union

Grounds our being

Our Vibration

Ripples on and on.

The Vibration of Love

Moves in then out…

Echoes of ancestors

Long past ripple forth

An equation of Love,

Unseen yet known

For those who tune in

to the resonance of their soul.

(The Vibration of Love by Mary Ann Matthys)

In her book, Earth Our Original Monastery, Christine Valters Paintner writes, "Trees are innately holy...Next time you are in a forest, imagine this space as one of the primordial or original churches- a sanctuary that has helped inspire the creation of other sanctuary spaces.  Notice what arises in your body when you imagine being in the cathedral of trees...Pause and slow down, aligning yourself with Divine Presence..."

What is in a tree?

Sheltering me.

Shifting in the sand.

Gathering moss.

Living and Living…alive.

Branches, a canopy,

Shade the ground…

And me.


Witness to life

Lived at a faster pace,

Invites me to slow down.

Strength in rings.

Time and times,

Leaves and leaf,

Speak of seasons

and years.

Rhythms bring comfort

Gentle and sure.

Old yet ever new.

Greening now with Spring.

Teach me to notice.

Teach me to invite presence…

Bring me home to Me.

by Mary Ann Matthys

In her book, Reclaiming the Wild Soul, Mary Reynolds Thompson describes five archetypal landscapes she calls soulscapes.  These places invite our inner and outer worlds to touch.  They are desert, forest, ocean and rivers, mountains and grasslands.  Each soulscape carries inherent gifts and invitations.  Each inspires us if we pause and notice.

New Moon

in a phtalo blue sky.

Honey colored

Golden light

Marks the turning

Of the clock

Toward light

And day.

Fire in the sky

Beckons us “come!”

At the hinge point

Of the day

when light

greets the dawn.

Witness vibrancy

In a ball of fire

As you journey

Toward more.

Cloud travelers…

Standing stones

For your path,

Witness your journey

Toward destiny.

They are travelers too.

by Mary Ann Matthys

My invitation is to spend time outdoors and receive the blessings of Earth as Sanctuary.  Set aside some time for a slow contemplative walk in nature.  Activate all of your senses.  As you walk, ponder the gifts of the landscape where you currently live.  It may be as simple as the song of a bird, the croaking of a frog, leaves rustling in the trees, the solitude of rocks, or the heat of the desert.  This poem flowed from time spent at Cannon Beach in Oregon...

Creation flows

Like the tide.

An unstoppable force

Impacting all

In her wake.

Starfish cling to rocks

Holding their breath.

Anemones breathe in tidepools

While waves roll ashore.

In and out.

In and out.


Everchanging flow.

…high and low

Where will the tide go?

by Mary Ann Matthys

Gradually begin to notice the invitations of your surroundings.  As you soften into communion with Earth and the natural world you may sense a deepening awareness of God’s presence in your midst.  

Consider sketching or writing poetry that flows from your experience.  Here is a poem that flowed from a visit to Armstrong Forest...To say that a redwood forest is an oxygen-rich environment doesn’t begin to illumine the natural high that occurs from breathing their air.

This Blessing

Is rich in oxygen

And scent of wood

Red with iron oxide

And detritus from stars

This Blessing

Creates a natural high

For those who walk

Its floor, soft and pure

Layered over thousands of years

This blessing

Desires reciprocity

From those tiny souls

Who enter within

And breathe out

This Blessing

Occurs whether

Insignificant beings

Realize it or not

They are but a moment

In this Blessing’s lifetime.

by Mary Ann Matthys


This comes with love from sea level on the Texas Gulf Coast,

Mary Ann


For such a time as this…


Come alive, Come awake!